After the show Duncan competed in their annual wheelbarrow race - pushing a whelbarrow with a dummy in it up a VERY steep hill (25%) as fast as you can. Although Duncan was just beaten on time (0.4 seconds!) we're convinced had there been a race off between first and second place he would have won!
After the race we took the boys out for a ride to explore a bit, they loved going out and about - and of course we took the camera!
On Sunday it was on to Emsworth Show, but as we had plenty of time to spare we decided to do a small detour to take the boys to the seaside! We finally found a beach and much to the amusement of all the holiday-makers we attempted to get the horses in the water. As neither of them had ever seen the sea before they took some convincing to go in - every time a wave broke over their hooves they jumped backwards! But they soon changed their minds and in we went! It was such fun - the boys loved it and were soon both swimming around and trotting and cantering in and out! We took lots of photos so make sure you have a look.
Monday was show day and once again Tinker did the first show. He went really well again - despite the fact he was having to contend with a miniature steam train alongside the arena! He really does seem to love the shows, so I'm very much looking forward to next year when he'll hopefuly be out and about a lot more!
Our busy summer season has now unfortunately come to a close, but what a fun way to end it! I'll keep you posted on all our Jive Pony news though!
Lots of love
Rosie xx